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Chào mừng các bạn đến với blog cá nhân của Trần Chí Dũng.

Thứ Tư, 26 tháng 10, 2016


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@tab Page
@section Background Style
@tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding.
@tab Page
@section Background Style
@tip Set the background color and top border for your email. You may want to choose colors that match your company's branding.
@tab Page
@section Email Border
@tip Set the border for your email.
@tab Page
@section Heading 1
@tip Set the styling for all first-level headings in your emails. These should be the largest of your headings.
@style heading 1
@tab Page
@section Heading 2
@tip Set the styling for all second-level headings in your emails.
@style heading 2
@tab Page
@section Heading 3
@tip Set the styling for all third-level headings in your emails.
@style heading 3
@tab Page
@section Heading 4
@tip Set the styling for all fourth-level headings in your emails. These should be the smallest of your headings.
@style heading 4
@tab Preheader
@section Preheader Style
@tip Set the background color and borders for your email's preheader area.
@tab Preheader
@section Preheader Text
@tip Set the styling for your email's preheader text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
#templatePreheader mcnTextContent,#templatePreheader .mcnTextContent p{
@tab Preheader
@section Preheader Link
@tip Set the styling for your email's preheader links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
#templatePreheader .mcnTextContent a,#templatePreheader .mcnTextContent p a{
@tab Header
@section Header Style
@tip Set the background color and borders for your email's header area.
@tab Header
@section Header Text
@tip Set the styling for your email's header text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
#templateHeader .mcnTextContent,#templateHeader mcnTextContent p{
@tab Header
@section Header Link
@tip Set the styling for your email's header links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
#templateHeader .mcnTextContent a,#templateHeader mcnTextContent p a{
@tab Body
@section Body Style
@tip Set the background color and borders for your email's body area.
@tab Body
@section Body Text
@tip Set the styling for your email's body text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
#templateBody .mcnTextContent,#templateBody mcnTextContent p{
@tab Body
@section Body Link
@tip Set the styling for your email's body links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
#templateBody .mcnTextContent a,#templateBody mcnTextContent p a{
@tab Upper Columns
@section Upper Column Style
@tip Set the background color and borders for your email's upper columns.
@tab Upper Columns
@section Upper Column Text
@tip Set the styling for your email's upper column text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
#templateUpperColumns .columnContainer mcnTextContent,#templateUpperColumns .columnContainer .mcnTextContent p{
@tab Upper Columns
@section Upper Column Link
@tip Set the styling for your email's upper column links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
#templateUpperColumns .columnContainer mcnTextContent a,#templateUpperColumns .columnContainer .mcnTextContent p a{
@tab Lower Columns
@section Lower Column Style
@tip Set the background color and borders for your email's lower columns.
/*@editable*/border-bottom:2px solid #EAEAEA;
@tab Lower Columns
@section Lower Column Text
@tip Set the styling for your email's lower column text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
#templateLowerColumns .columnContainer mcnTextContent,#templateLowerColumns .columnContainer .mcnTextContent p{
@tab Lower Columns
@section Lower Column Link
@tip Set the styling for your email's lower column links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
#templateLowerColumns .columnContainer mcnTextContent a,#templateLowerColumns .columnContainer .mcnTextContent p a{
@tab Footer
@section Footer Style
@tip Set the background color and borders for your email's footer area.
@tab Footer
@section Footer Text
@tip Set the styling for your email's footer text. Choose a size and color that is easy to read.
#templateFooter .mcnTextContent,#templateFooter mcnTextContent p{
@tab Footer
@section Footer Link
@tip Set the styling for your email's footer links. Choose a color that helps them stand out from your text.
#templateFooter .mcnTextContent a,#templateFooter mcnTextContent p a{
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@tab Mobile Styles
@section Heading 1
@tip Make the first-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/font-size:22px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:125% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Heading 2
@tip Make the second-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/font-size:20px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:125% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Heading 3
@tip Make the third-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/font-size:18px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:125% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Heading 4
@tip Make the fourth-level headings larger in size for better readability on small screens.
/*@editable*/font-size:16px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Boxed Text
@tip Make the boxed text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px.
.mcnBoxedTextContentContainer mcnTextContent,.mcnBoxedTextContentContainer .mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:14px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Preheader Visibility
@tip Set the visibility of the email's preheader on small screens. You can hide it to save space.
/*@editable*/display:block !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Preheader Text
@tip Make the preheader text larger in size for better readability on small screens.
#templatePreheader mcnTextContent,#templatePreheader .mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:14px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Header Text
@tip Make the header text larger in size for better readability on small screens.
#templateHeader .mcnTextContent,#templateHeader mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:16px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Body Text
@tip Make the body text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px.
#templateBody .mcnTextContent,#templateBody mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:16px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Upper Column Text
@tip Make the upper column text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px.
#templateUpperColumns .columnContainer mcnTextContent,#templateUpperColumns .columnContainer .mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:16px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Lower Column Text
@tip Make the lower column text larger in size for better readability on small screens. We recommend a font size of at least 16px.
#templateLowerColumns .columnContainer mcnTextContent,#templateLowerColumns .columnContainer .mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:16px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
} @media only screen and (max-width: 480px){
@tab Mobile Styles
@section Footer Text
@tip Make the footer content text larger in size for better readability on small screens.
#templateFooter .mcnTextContent,#templateFooter mcnTextContent p{
/*@editable*/font-size:14px !important;
/*@editable*/line-height:150% !important;
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Chương trình ưu đãi đặt tiệc tháng 10/2016<br>
<!--[if mso]>
<!--[if mso]>
<td valign="top" width="210" style="width:210px;">
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<td valign="top" class="mcnTextContent" style="padding-top:0; padding-left:18px; padding-bottom:9px; padding-right:18px;">
<a href="*|ARCHIVE|*" target="_blank">View this email in your browser</a>
<!--[if mso]>
<!--[if mso]>
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<h1 class="mc-toc-title" style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#DDA0DD">ƯU ĐÃI ĐẶT TIỆC THÁNG 10/2016</span></h1>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<hr>Những<span style="color:#DDA0DD"> </span><span style="color:#DDA0DD"><span style="font-size:18px">set menu Á</span> </span>đa dạng chỉ từ 3,5tr-4tr/bàn 10 người cho 6 - 8 món bao gồm: 2-4 món khai vị, 3 món chính và 1 món tráng miệng.<br>
Những <span style="color:#DDA0DD"><span style="font-size:18px">set menu Âu</span></span> hiện đại chỉ từ 3,2 - 4,3tr/10 người gồm 5 - 6 món ăn.&nbsp;<br>
Đặt từ 3 bàn, <span style="color:#DDA0DD"><span style="font-size:18px">tặng ngay bàn gallery cơ bản</span></span><span style="color:#DDA0DD"><span style="font-size:18px">giảm 10% chi phí bia</span></span> dùng trong tiệc.<br>
Ngoài ra, nhà hàng còn ưu đãi cho set menu đặc biệt tháng 10 <span style="color:#DDA0DD"><span style="font-size:18px">chỉ 2,8tr/bàn</span></span> với menu 6 món<br>
<span style="color:#B22222"><span style="font-size:18px">Hãy liên hệ để được tư vấn: 08 3832 9977 - 3832 9797</span></span></div>
<!--[if mso]>
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<td valign="top" id="templateUpperColumns">
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<td class="mcnTextContent" valign="top" style="padding:0 9px 0 9px;" width="164">
<strong>Không gian tiệc</strong><br>
Từ 60-150 khách
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<table align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="200" class="columnWrapper">
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<td class="mcnTextContent" valign="top" style="padding:0 9px 0 9px;" width="164">
<strong>Phòng ăn riêng</strong><br>
Từ 20-50 khách
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<td class="mcnTextContent" valign="top" style="padding:0 9px 0 9px;" width="164">
<strong>Không gian sự kiện</strong><br>
Từ 50-200 khách<br>
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<h3 class="null" style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family:arial,helvetica neue,helvetica,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12px">Ẩm thực tại Én đều do những đầu bếp chuyên nghiệp, tay nghề cao cùng nguyên vật liệu tự nhiên, được chọn lựa kỹ lưỡng đảm bảo sẽ đem đến hương vị hấp dẫn cho món ăn.</span></span></h3>
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<h3 class="null" style="text-align: center;"><span class="mc-toc-title"><span style="font-family:helvetica neue,helvetica,arial,verdana,sans-serif"><span style="font-size:12px">Không gian tinh tế, vị trí thuận lợi và trang thiết bị đầy đủ, Én&nbsp;hy vọng được góp phần tạo nên thành công cho sự kiện, hội thảo, tiệc chiêu đãi mà bạn tổ chức tại đây.</span></span></span></h3>
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<p><span style="font-size:18px">Én Tea House &amp; Restaurant </span><br>
Địa chỉ: Robot tower, 308-308C Điện Biên Phủ, P4, Q.3 (góc ngã 4 Nguyễn Thượng Hiền) <br>
<span style="color:#FFA07A">Hotline: 08&nbsp;3832 9797-&nbsp;3832 9977</span></p>
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